If Kids Are Scared To Fail At Home, The Real World Will Be Torture

Recent studies show that for nearly half of adults, fear of failure is the biggest barrier to achieving their goals, and kids today are the most fear-driven, anxious generation on record. Where have we gone wrong as parents and what can we do to the ensure that the next generation is ready to head out into the unknown and thrive?

Today’s guest, Alyce Dailey, is the author of “The Magic Mom.” She’s the daughter of immigrants, a successful business owner, and mother of four daughters who believes that “being a mom is the most entrepreneurial venture that exists on the planet.”

Alyce’s framework for entrepreneurial parenting offers moms and dads alike a powerful way to help our kids head into the world like explorers on an adventure. Our actions and how we live our lives teach a more powerful example than our words ever can. If we want our kids to manage their emotions and conquer their fears, we need to show them what that looks like by doing it ourselves!